Are you working on a project which uses’s Maven repository for deploying its artifacts? Well, if so, there’s a great opportunity opening up for you to get off that problematic repository: Sonatype is helping projects move to Sonatype’s hosted OSS Nexus repository, starting March 5th. We’re looking into moving Hudson over but for most smaller projects, this should be a no-brainer. Problems with...
Via the @hudsonci twitter account I typically share or "retweet" a number of links during the day, I realize a number of people either do not use Twitter or do not constantly pay attention to it. A lot of the links I find quite interesting, so I’d like to try sharing them after the fact here. Maven Repository Rescue Mission on March 5th Fighting Problems...
This past week PyCon has been going on in Atlanta, where Titus Brown gave a talk titled: Why not run all your tests all the time? A study of continuous integration systems < Titus has some notable quotes "just use Hudson" but overall a good introduction of CI and a breakdown of some of the challenges behind continuous integration. He also does a good job going over...
One of my favorite bloggers on the subject of continuous integration, The Build Doctor, posed this question in a recent post: Continuous Integration in the cloud: good idea? The topic of running a CI server in a virtualized environment, such as with Amazon’s EC2 service, is an interesting issue, particularly in the Hudson community. About 10 months ago Kohsuke announced the Hudson EC2 plugin which has...
The release of Hudson 1.347 last friday, February 19th, was a relatively "minor" one insofar that it contained an assortment of smaller fixes instead of fixes to major regressions (they weren’t any to be fixed) or major features added. There were however some notable commits in this release cycle that didn’t make the changelog just yet, for example[godin] committed an ebuild which will...
Last week’s TWIP enumerated the release of 26 different plugin, this past week has seen 19 unique releases in comparison. You might be tempted to assume that less plugin development has occurred over the past week, which isn’t the case. Last week a number of the releases were "code updates", i.e. plugins being rebuilt against the latest Hudson plugin API as opposed to new...
For this week’s user spotlight, I’m talking to Rasheed Abdul-Aziz of VisFleet Ltd. out of New Zealand. This being our second "spotlight" on a particular company, the format can still be considered beta; if you have any additional questions for Rasheed, feel free to ask them in the comments and I’ll try to get Rasheed to answer. Similar to the spotlight on ITA Software from last...
In this post I’ll show a very basic tips on how to compile an Android project using Hudson. Specifically how I use Hudson to create release versions of my apps. Debug vs Release I’m assuming that you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin. During development you can test your app on the emulator or a device and resources like and aidl files are...
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