After an exciting week that saw the rushed release of Hudson 1.351 on Monday following a fairly serious regression, Hudson 1.352 was released mid-Friday with a good mix bug fixes and enhancements. Bundled with this release was another localizations drop including translations for ca, es, fi, fr, hi_IN, it, nl, ru, and sv_SE locales. In addition to the nice fancy new community contributed translations,...
Kohsuke just posted a brief write-up on his personal blog about the first day of the Bay Area Hudson hackathon/meetup. He writes: Total of 9 people came and we had a great time talking about infrastructure issues, possible enhancements, design discussions, exchanging tips and plugins that they’ve developed, and otherwise building personal relationships. A number of folks joined us on the #Hudson IRC channel on Freenode...
It’s been quite a busy week, preparing for the Bay Area Hudson hackathon/meetup which starts today, receiving requests for crazy-awesome Hudson stickers and my day job. Regardless, I’ve stumbled across a few links to share in this links roll-up. John Ferguson Smart discusses some of the gotchas with migrating Hudson build jobs from one server to another Learned a bit about how Kim Moir and the...
The day of hackery is upon us! Today is Day One of the Bay Area Hudson hackathon/meetup, the hacking will start at 10am today and continue until 5pm at the Oracle Santa Clara campus in the "library" conference room of SCA7 "Mansion" building. The focus today will be largely on hacking Hudson itself. Can’t attend? Not everybody lives in the Bay Area, fortunately all of you...
A few weeks ago we covered building Android apps with Hudson thanks to a very informative post by Hugo Visser, ever thought about building Android itself with Hudson? Sony Ericsson apparently has, Continuous Blog reader and Hudson user Christopher Orr sent me this screen shot from his recently purchased Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini, notice the "Kernel version" field.image:*/ If you’ve got screen shots or...
Finishing off the second week in March, the Hudson team rolled Hudson 1.350 off the assembly line last Friday, bringing a slew of fixes. Of particular interest to users of Hudson’s various native packages for Red Hat, openSuSE, Ubuntu/Debian and Solaris, was a change that suppress the "self-upgrade" functionality in the "Manage Hudson" page. On the enhancements side of the fence, the team added...
Rush delivery from Hudson HQ! Hudson 1.351 just rolled out with a very important regression fix: Regression in 1.350 that can delete old build artifacts. (mailing list thread, issue 5937) Sorry for the hiccup everybody, we’re working pretty hard on getting a better, more stable, release process in place. You can go grab the latest .war file straight from or if you’re using a native package,...
As Matt Brown pointed out on the dev@ list, Hudson made a cameo on The Daily WTF in their post Nobulation Fail. Kohsuke went on to mention on the mailing list: Looks like this one is already fixed back in October last year....
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